Friday, May 7, 2010


by permission from Stephen P. Wenger
comments in () by the same

HR 2159 Threatens Gun Owners: A new gun law being considered in
Congress, if aligned with Department of Homeland Security memos
labeling everyday Americans as potential "threats," could potentially
deny firearms to pro-lifers, gun-rights advocates, tax protesters,
animal rights activists, and a host of others – any already on the
expansive DHS watch list for potential "extremism." … Pratt further
warned WND of the potential overlap of H.R. 2159 and a recent DHS memo
that warned against potential violence from "right-wing extremists,"
such as those concerned about illegal immigration, increasing federal
power, restrictions on firearms, abortion and the loss of U.S.
sovereignty. "By those standards, I'm one of [DHS Secretary] Janet
Napolitano's terrorists," Pratt said. "This bill would enable the
attorney general to put all of the people who voted against Obama on
no-gun lists, because according to the DHS, they're all potential
terrorists. Actually, we could rename this bill the Janet Napolitano
Frenzied Fantasy Implementation Act of 2009." …

Related Commentary:

Holder Opposes Putting Georgia on Equal Footing with Other States: The
United States Attorney General, Eric Holder, testified yesterday at a
Senate Subcommittee about the New York terrorism incident.  During the
hearing, he mentioned that Georgia's SB 291, currently awaiting
signature by the Governor, is "very worrisome" to him because he fears
it might permit terrorists to seize an airliner. And he was being
serious. SB 291 is a bill that has express language about carrying in
the public areas of Georgia's airports, such as the parking lots,
baggage claim, and rotunda of Hartsfield.  It does not have any effect
on the areas under federal control.  Essentially, SB 291 would bring
Georgia's law into line with 40 other states on this issue…

From CCRKBA: The Nebraska Firearms Owners Association (NFOA) today
called on the city of Omaha to end its practice of registering
firearms, in the wake of a case involving a private citizen who
fatally shot an armed robber, and who continues to be denied the
ability to register a new firearm by the Omaha Police Department,
which took his defensive sidearm used in the shooting into evidence.
NFOA President Andreas Allen said that the hero in this incident,
Harry (James) McCullough, now faces gang reprisal because the armed
robber man he fatally shot was a documented gang member. Mr.
McCullough has "great concern for his personal safety." … Alan
Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and
Bear Arms, called this situation "unconscionable." NFOA is a Citizens
Committee affiliate. "Mister McCullough has been cleared of any
wrongdoing in this case," Gottlieb observed, "yet the police are
retaining his firearm, and will not allow him to register a
replacement gun. He intervened in a dangerous situation, at great
personal risk, and now he is being put at continued risk by a police
department policy that is both arbitrary and capricious." … When NFOA
asked the Chief of Police to assist with this issue, he responded:
"This is Omaha, and we ask you to respect the challenges of our city."
… (This is something to think about the next time a Progressive argues
that we should register firearms in the same way that we register
automobiles. In fact, while there will be a record with the dealer of
who purchased a motor vehicle, there is not requirement to register it
if it is not operated on public streets and highways.)

Are These the "90%" Guns?: Mexican soldiers have seized an arsenal of
gold-plated and diamond-encrusted weapons believed to belong to the
Valencia gang, allies of the powerful Sinaloa drug cartel and, it
seems, fans of hip-hip excess. Showing just how flamboyant gang
members spend much of their ill-gotten wealth, pictures show how most
of the 31 'pimped' pistols found in a raid on a home in western Mexico
had gold or silver-plated grips or were glittered with diamonds. Three
of the assault rifles are almost entirely gold-plated and there was
even a silencer plated with gold. One particularly image-conscious
gangster has made his pistol unique by adding rows of gaudy red and
green jewels and a Ferrari logo… (I will concede that the 1911's,
Browning High Power and single-action revolver may have been purchased
in US gun stores. If the rifles are AR-15's, they could also have been
smuggled across Mexico's northern border. If the rifles are M16's,
they likely came from the Mexican military or police. As to the
suppressor, it would have required NFA paperwork to have been
purchased in the US. In any case, these guns are "safe queens" and are
not what the henchmen of the drug gangs are using on the streets. When
I was growing up in Mexico, almost all 1911's I saw in police holsters
– typically .38 Super, if the officer was not federal – wore silver
grips with onlays of copper and brass, typically including the eagle
of the Mexican flag and the Aztec calendar.)

Your Papers, Please: … As I am writing this I am watching politicians
and media talking heads saying this new law in Arizona is pure fascism
and Nazi-like demands to "show their papers." Oh really! As a
concealed handgun license-holder in Ohio, in any encounter with a
police officer I am required under penalty of law to disclose I am a
CHL-holder (if I am carrying), and then show identification. Funny how
I don't see my fellow CHL holders protesting or rioting over that…
Where is the media's and President Obama's outrage over this truly
NAZI violation of civil rights? I'd love to hear the tortured logic.
After all, the crime rate among American gun owners is far lower than
that of illegal aliens… (Of note, Arizona permit holders have never
been required to volunteer that they are carrying and it won't be long
before Arizona's adults won't need special papers to carry

CCW an Issue in Another California Sheriff Election: Next month,
voters will elect a new Ventura County sheriff. It will be the first
time in 32 years the election for the county's top cop has been
contested. Besides heading the county's largest police force, the
sheriff determines who can and cannot carry a concealed weapon. But
legislation making its way through Sacramento seeks to limit the
amount of control the sheriff has in authorizing the permits… Sheriff
Bob Brooks said many people who apply for a concealed weapons permit
are disqualified because they can't show proof they need it. Brooks
said the broader the qualifications for the permit the less law
enforcement can assure the public that concealed weapons are in the
hands of law-abiding citizens. Brooks said he won't give a permit, for
instance, to a security guard who works at night or a fearful teacher
without a specific and necessary reason… The sheriff does issue
permits, on the other hand, to those fearful of their safety who have
been assaulted and must carry valuables or work in high-crime areas,
such as a jeweler who transports large sums of money, a physician
known to carry prescription medicine or a property manager who must
respond to tenants of a housing unit at any hour of the day or night…

Oops, Wrong House, Georgia Version: LaGrange Police say a woman
wrestled a gunman, injuring him.  A 27-year-old woman told police
early Tuesday, David Jackson, 39, attacked her at an Old Airport Road
home around 5:30 a.m. The woman said she had just arrived with her
sister and her children, when Jackson tried to shoot her. The woman
recounts she managed to grab the gun and shot Jackson in self-defense.
When officers arrived, they found Jackson on the ground with gun
wounds in a leg and an arm. He was taken to Grady Memorial Hospital
for treatment…

Oops, Wrong House, Texas Version: A homeowner shot and killed a
burglar who broke into his house early Wednesday morning, police said.
About 4:40, an unidentified man in his early 20s broke into a house in
the 8000 block of Tonto Place, police said. Homeowners Paul Daw and
Monica Daw were asleep during the initial break-in and awoke to find
the man in the master bedroom. They fought with him, police said.
During the struggle, Paul Daw shot the man multiple times with a
handgun. He was taken to Beaumont Army Medical Center, where he later
died, said police spokesman Darrel Petry… The last time an El Paso
homeowner shot and killed an intruder was in 2000, when Dr. Joseph
Segapeli, a pediatrician, shot a man who forced his way into his Lower
Valley home… (Some libertarians point to an unusually low rate of
violent crime in El Paso to argue that illegal immigrants are wrongly
associated with crime. While El Paso appears to be an anomaly in that
regard, it really doesn't matter on the night that your home is
selected for an uninvited visit. A dog in the home will generally give
an early warning of an intruder.)

I Guess That Makes Robbery All Right: The father of a would-be robber
who was shot and killed by his victim is speaking out. Christopher
Holland Sr. said his son, Christopher Holland Jr., was unemployed and
trying to support his girlfriend and new baby. Holland said his
20-year-old son called him Tuesday asking for $100, but the father
said he did not have the money to give him. Holland believes his son
needed the money for his girlfriend and baby daughter. That night,
Holland's nephew called him about the moments leading up to the
attempted robbery and shooting… Investigators with the Hazelwood [MO]
Police Department said Holland Jr. tried to rob a 57-year old man at
gunpoint near the intersection of Dunn and Cortena roads around 8:40
p.m. Hazelwood Police Lt. Jim Hudanide said the victim turned around
and gave up his wallet and then showed he was armed as well. He
demanded the would-be robber put down his weapon. When the robber
didn't, the victim shot him. "My son would not have pulled no trigger,
if he had a gun on him, he would not have pulled no trigger. He never
shot nobody," said Holland. Hazelwood police said it appears the
shooting is justified. The robbery victim has a concealed and carry
permit and police said he was acting in self-defense. (Assuming, for
the moment, that the father is correct, how was the victim of the
robbery to know that ""My son would not have pulled no trigger"?)

When Guns Are Outlawed…: A 30-year-old Jersey City [NJ] man told
police he was trying to buy a gun when three teens robbed him,
according to reports. He eventually got his money back. Following
instructions he was given for the buy, the man met the juveniles at
Hutton Street and Palisade Avenue at about 5:15 p.m. Tuesday and got
into their 1997 Nissan Maxima, reports said. One of the teens drove to
the corner New York and Ravine avenues, at which point the boy in the
front passenger seat got out of the car, opened the back door and put
a knife to the man's stomach, reports said. The boy punched the man in
the face and told him to get out of the car. The teen in the back seat
then took man's $300 as the driver punched the victim in the face,
reports said. The victim jumped out of the car and managed with his
own knife to slash two the Nissan's tires as the teens sped off onto
Observer Highway, reports said… Police recovered the $300 and the
knife used in the robbery. The teens, all 17-year-olds, were charged
with robbery, unlawful possession of weapons and possession of a
weapon for unlawful purposes, reports said. There was no indication
from Jersey City police reports the victim was charged with any

Old but Still Useful: One of the list members took note of a video
embedded at the bottom of a linked page a couple of days ago. I failed
to draw attention to this video, of a law professor arguing why you
should never make a statement to the police without an attorney
present, because I had linked it quite some time ago. However, the
list may have gained nearly 100 members since that time so here are
some links. The first is the video of the professor's lecture. The
second is the video of the police officer who follows the professor's
presentation. I have not viewed the third video but it appears to be
oriented toward those who may actually have committed a crime. The
fourth is a brief article exploring the downside of clamming up until
your attorney shows up. (I have always advocated a simple statement
that you were the victim of a life-threatening attack, pointing out
possible witnesses and physical evidence before they or it can
disappear, then shutting up until you have an attorney present.)

Al Capone's Revolver for Sale: The silver-plated Colt .38 Special Al
Capone bought in 1939 is for sale for $95,000. Dealer Gary Zimet, who
lists the revolver on, said the historic pistol was
inherited by Scarface's brother, Ralph "Bottles" Capone, who got his
nickname because he distributed beverages in Chicago. The
Brooklyn-born Capone - who orchestrated the 1929 St. Valentine's Day
Massacre, which wiped out the Bugs Moran gang - was the wealthiest and
most powerful organized crime boss during Prohibition, but his career
ended with an eight-year stretch for tax evasion.

National Training Week: National Training Week, July 4 through 11, is
set aside in conjunction with Independence Day to remind people that
liberty and independence are closely tied to responsible possession of
firearms… There are endless reasons for getting involved:
Manufacturers, resellers, and range operators can grow their
businesses by promoting this event and then making firearms,
ammunition, training, and shooting facilities more affordable and
accessible leading up to and during this special week. It is an ideal
time for ranges to host the National Shooting Sports Foundation's
First Shots program and for clubs to invite the public to Open House
days. Firearms enthusiasts get an excuse to burn through some of that
ammo that's been stacking up and dust off those neglected guns. It's
also a great time to ask a friend and coworkers to go shooting and
introduce them to the fun and history of firearms…

Sunday Radio Appearance: This Sunday, May 9, between approximately
1:00 and 2:00 p.m. MST, I will be interviewed by Charles Heller on his
program America, Armed and Free. We will be talking about training and
why armed citizens should continue to seek training even though the
state of Arizona will no longer require it for the discreet carry of
firearms in most locations. The primary station for this broadcast is
KVOI in Tucson, 1030 AM, but this and Charles' other programs may be
heard live over the internet, at the link below. You may call in to
participate at (520) 790-2040 or (866) 725-5467. Please note that
Arizona does not participate in Daylight Savings Time; Mountain
Standard Time is the same as Pacific Daylight Time.

Tangentially Related: Attorney General Eric Holder made the following
statement in reference to the arrest of a suspect in connection with
the attempted NYC Times Square car bomb: "It's important that the
American people remain vigilant. The vehicle in Times Square was first
noticed on Saturday by a citizen who reported it to authorities, and,
as always, any American who notices suspicious activity should report
it to the appropriate law enforcement agencies." This statement by
Attorney General Holder brings up the following question: Exactly what
is suspicious activity when it comes to a potential act of terrorism?
The FBI says there are seven things you could do that might help
prevent a terrorist from carrying out their evil acts… 4. Acquiring
Supplies: Are you aware of anyone attempting to improperly acquire
explosives, weapons, ammunition, dangerous chemicals, uniforms,
badges, flight manuals, access cards, or identification for a key
facility/event or to legally obtain items under suspicious
circumstances that could be used in a terrorist attack? …

Senate Republicans continued today to express objections to federal
appellate pick Goodwin Liu, delaying a committee vote on his
nomination for at least another week. Liu, nominated for the U.S.
Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, has drawn as much opposition as
any of President Barack Obama's other choices for the federal bench,
and he is shaping up to be a test of Democrats' ability to push
through controversial lower-court nominees… Sen. Jeff Sessions
(R-Ala.), the committee's top Republican, said he and his colleagues
are still reviewing Liu's record - including his answers (PDF) to
written follow-up questions from senators. "We submitted a number of
questions, and it appears that they all haven't been fully answered,"
Sessions said after today's meeting. Ed Whelan, a former U.S. Justice
Department official who writes for National Review Online, has
criticized Liu for ducking meaningful responses to the senators'
follow-up questions, though it is not uncommon for nominees to avoid
specifics in such responses… (The significance of this appointment
goes beyond the damage that Liu could do on the already left-leaning
Ninth Circuit. Liu is regarded as an eventual  pick by a Progressive
president for SCOTUS, if he negotiates this stepping stone.)

… Those cities threatening to "boycott" Arizona, however, are not
threatening a boycott at all. Instead, as governments under our
Constitution, these leftist city councils are creating an embargo.
This is wrong, and it is unconstitutional. Under our federal system,
state governments and their political subdivisions may not impose
undue burdens on interstate commerce. Moreover, states and cities have
no right to punish private citizens in other states for the actions of
the state governments. Citizens have the right, within our federal
system, to be treated equally and fairly. Arizona, for example, could
not pass a law preventing any business with San Francisco until that
city modified its ordinances on sexual relations or gun control. It
would not matter if an overwhelming majority of Arizonans thought this
embargo was good. Political majorities and politicians backed by those
majorities may not discriminate against citizens or states which
displease them… (If you have been contemplating a trip to Arizona, we
would surely appreciate it this year.)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


by permission from: Stephen P. Wenger
comments in () by the same


JPFO's Letter to Ted Nugent: First, I personally thank you for the
valuable work you have done, and are doing, for the Second Amendment.
You have used your talent, success, wit, and celebrity to fight for
our freedoms. Additionally, you are a member of the Board of Directors
of the NRA. So this letter is directed to you in strictly that
capacity. Why? Because I believe that you will listen. And you have
the standing and respect within the NRA to actually do something
regarding the issues I'd like to bring to your attention. We at JPFO
recently received a letter from an angry and very articulate fellow
who took the vast majority of gun owners to task for not being NRA
members. He rightly points out that there are more than eighty million
gun owners and only five million members of any pro-gun organization,
the NRA obviously being the largest. I read this fellow's letter a
couple of times, and could not fault him on his spirit or personal
philosophy. What bothered me was that he was asking me to join the
NRA… (JPFO's criticisms of the NRA raise good points. The issue for
gunners is whether we gain or lose by refusing to increase NRA's
membership rolls. Some of us are already Life Members [or higher] and
I see no value in resigning. My money, however, now goes to other
organizations, which may create pressure on the NRA bureaucracy to
take more principled stands. While NRA has a system to mobilize
grasss-roots action, it seems not to be designed to receive feedback.)

How GCA68 Birthed the Ring of Fire: Early morning sunlight beamed
through windows partially covered by steel Venetian blinds shading the
first patrons at Larry's Coffee Shop, situated not on a typical retail
thoroughfare, but among the concrete tilt-up buildings defining an
industrial park.  Larry, the store's proprietor and three friends sat
bantering about the issues of the day.  The get together had become
their daily ritual. The men's attire, blue collar, working class,
belied a sharp intellect they each possessed.  One of the group's
members, George Jennings, owned a machine shop and manufactured parts
for the aerospace industry.  Another owned a Pawn Shop and had
recently lost the ability to sell inexpensive handguns manufactured
overseas because of recent legislation - The Gun Control Act of 1968…
(Ring of Fire is a term firearm prohibitionists coined to label a
succession of manufacturers, all of whom were originally related by
family, of cheap handguns in California. The current successor is
Jimenez Arms, which had to relocate to Nevada.)

Washington Mothers Arm Themselves: A new group is arming itself
against gang violence. KIMA was there as the Sheriff's office filled
with local moms planning to start carrying pistols in their purses.
And we discovered, they will not be afraid to use them. "I think the
criminals in Yakima need to know we've had enough and they better
think twice before entering a home or car jacking or whatever," said
Autumn Torres. Torres is part of the group, "freedom Loving Moms."
They're encouraging all women to get their concealed weapons permit.
To keep their families safe. " I have a reason to want to protect my
family and myself," said Mary Garent. And because it's their right.
One they're worried about losing if the government cracks down with
tighter gun control laws… So these moms are getting finger printed and
filling out the paperwork to pack heat. Most of them have never shot a
handgun... In fact, most here have never owned one. These women will
tell you they will not be out looking for trouble, unless threatened
at home… (Washington has been a shall-issue state for many decades and
does not have a training requirement for issuance. I suspect that
these women could find good training within the state of Washington
and avoid the travel costs associated with seeking it in Nevada.)

Oops, Wrong House: A man shot and killed a home invader who held up
the man and his girlfriend early Monday, police said. The man's
girlfriend was visiting him at his North Third Street basement studio
apartment when someone knocked on the door about 12:20 a.m., said Lt.
Ronald Humphrey. Thinking it was her mother - with whom she lives next
door - the woman opened the door and was face to face with a man
pointing a gun at her, Humphrey said. He forced her inside and asked
the 28-year-old woman and her boyfriend, Phillip Jackson, for money.
Fearing for their lives, Jackson, 24, struggled for the weapon,
Humphrey said. Jackson was able to get the gun, shooting the man
several times, Humphrey said. A neighbor, Patricia McNeil, heard the
shots at her home, which is down the block… Home invasions are rare -
only a few occur in Paterson every year - but the victim shooting and
killing the invader is even rarer, Humphrey said… (Again, we see the
more common case of a victim turning the criminal's gun on him, rather
than the nearly mythical opposite, along with another failure of New
Jersey's draconian firearm restrictions.)

Oops, Wrong Pharmacy: Harry James McCullough took it personally. The
former security guard was standing at a Walgreens checkout counter
when he saw two masked men, one with a sawed-off shotgun, enter the
store. Marquail Thomas, 18, pointed the shotgun at customers and
yelled, "Nobody (expletive) move!'' "There's no doubt in my mind what
they were going to do," McCullough said Thursday. "There was no time
to react. You only have one chance." McCullough pulled out a pistol
and shot Thomas four times. Thomas collapsed outside the store and
died later at a hospital. McCullough chased down the second masked
man, whom Omaha [NE] police have identified as Angelo Douglas, 17, and
held him until officers arrived. Jauvier Perkins, 15, who police said
was the getaway driver, was arrested Wednesday. Prosecutors said all
three are known gang members. McCullough said he had no idea whom he
was dealing with… McCullough will not be charged in the Monday night
shooting, Douglas County Attorney Don Kleine has said. McCullough was
cited by police for carrying a concealed weapon. His attorney, James
Martin Davis, said he will seek to have the ticket dismissed.
McCullough said he has had firearms training, shoots guns
competitively and has had security jobs. "I carry my gun everywhere I
go. It's like my wallet," he said. "It's a personal protection and a
safety thing." He has a valid permit to carry a gun in plain view,
typically in a holster. Police said he pulled the pistol from his
waistband. McCullough said he never applied for a state permit to
carry a concealed weapon because it cost "extra money" and he felt
that Omaha's carry permit was "sufficient." …

The Nebraska Firearms Owner Association has offered to buy a new
handgun for the man who shot and killed a robbery suspect at an Omaha
Walgreens. Harry "James" McCullough, 32, said he's been overwhelmed by
the support from people appreciative of his actions. On Monday, April
26th, he noticed two men, one of them armed with a shotgun, threaten
the clerk and another customer at the Walgreens on 61st and NW Radial.
That's when he shot the man 4-times, killing him. McCullough then held
down the other suspect until police arrived. "You only have one
chance," is what he told reporters on Thursday about his reaction…
Omaha Police have taken his gun, a Smith and Wesson 40-caliber, for
the investigation. It may take months for him to get it back. Douglas
County Attorney Don Kleine determined the shooting was justified… Andy
Allen talked to Channel 6 News Friday. He tells us enough money has
been promised to buy McCullough a gun. However, when McCullough went
to OPD Headquarters Friday afternoon to apply for a permit to buy a
new gun, his permit was denied. Allen says no reason was given by
police for the denial. (It is unclear if McCullough would have
received a concealed-carry permit under Nebraska's soon to be replaced
may-issue law but it seems foolish for him not at least to have
applied for one. Statements about taking it personally are not
particularly wise either.)

Related Video: McCullough's attorney details the incident.

Tangentially Related: A federal judge on Monday ordered that nine
members of an extremist militia accused of plotting to kill police
officers be freed on bond until their trial, saying that prosecutors
did not demonstrate that the defendants would pose a danger if
released… The order, overturning rulings made last month, followed
more than 10 hours of testimony and arguments, during which Judge
Roberts repeatedly asked prosecutors to show that the defendants
planned "imminent" attacks against law enforcement. The defendants'
lawyers admitted that some of their clients made "stupid, hateful"
comments but said that they were not planning any violence… (Inclusion
of this link is not intended as an endorsement of the views of the
defendants but the government's case appears to be crumbling. I took
note of the arrest when it occurred because the same folks who
insisted for decades that the Second Amendment was only intended for
those serving in a militia then use the term as a pejorative, to smear
both gun owners whose guns don't meet their "sporting purpose"
criteria and the conservative movement in general.)

… I still urge not jumping to conclusions. While I would not be
surprised to find taking on folks likely to generate little public
sympathy was misjudged by the feds to be easy PR, my bet would be they
are trying like hell to manipulate someone to either inform or plea.
And yeah, we can't discount the possibility that they may be able to
prove something. But with that said, I'm not aware of a similar case
where the government couldn't come up with a reason to deny bail and
keep people they knew to be terrorists behind bars. If the best they
can come up with is an agent who doesn't remember anything of
substance, I have to wonder about the entire case.


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