Thursday, December 17, 2009


By permission from: Stephen P. Wenger
comments in () by the same

From GOA/GOF: On Monday, November 23, 2009, Gun Owners of America and Gun Owners Foundation filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the United States Supreme Court in support of four Chicago residents who are seeking to invalidate a city ordinance prohibiting them from owning or possessing a handgun in their own home. The GOA/GOF brief argues that the privileges or immunities clause of the 14th Amendment is the correct basis for ruling that the Second Amendment protects the individual right of all Americans, not just those living in Washington, DC. This brief also points out the pitfalls of using the due process clause to reach this conclusion. Gun Owners Foundation has already provided certain assistance to help in the McDonald v Chicago case. In order to better assist with the litigation of important firearms rights in this case, Gun Owners Foundation has established a legal fund. To contribute to this fund, please click here to donate online. All contributors will get an e-mailed receipt, followed by a mailed documentation of the **tax deductible** status of their contribution from Gun Owners Foundation…

What Bloomberg and Brady Did Not Tell You about the Poll: The vast majority of the National Rifle Association's (NRA) members believe President Barack Obama will try to ban the sale of guns, a new poll found. A new national survey of gunowners both affiliated and unaffiliated with the NRA found that they believe the president will act to ban gun sales. 79 percent of NRA members believe Obama will definitely or probably try to outlaw gun sales, according to a poll released Thursday that was conducted by GOP pollster Frank Luntz and commissioned by Mayors Against Illegal Guns. 18 percent of NRA members saw it as unlikely for Obama to ban firearms sales. Gunowners unaffiliated with the NRA still saw it as likely for Obama to outlaw gun sales, though by a lesser margin. 57 percent of non-NRA members said the president would definitely or probably try to ban gun sales, whereas 30 percent said Obama likely wouldn't try to criminalize gun sales…

Related Commentary:

SAF/NRA Seattle Lawsuit Proceeds: If everything goes according to current schedule, attorneys for the Second Amendment Foundation and National Rifle Association will be in court on Feb. 19, 2010 for what they hope will be a smack-down of Seattle's gun ban in city parks and recreation facilities. The case will go before King County Superior Court Judge Greg Canova. Currently in the "discovery" phase, according to Seattle attorney Steve Fogg, who represents SAF, NRA, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Washington Arms Collectors and five local residents, the lawsuit is on schedule and he believes the case is solid. Two key plaintiffs have had encounters that clearly erase any doubts about "standing" and one of those incidents belongs in the "You're Not Going to Believe This!" realm. Last month, Seattleite Ray Carter visited the Alki Community Center packing a pistol and he was promptly asked to leave… A separate challenge to the Seattle parks gun ban has been filed in federal court. Plaintiff Bob Warden of Kent, a licensed attorney, is serving as his own counsel in that case, which has no connection to the SAF/NRA case… (Mr. Warden has stated that he filed his case because he believed that SAF et al. would be denied standing, a claim that appears to be contradicted by this report.)

Lawsuit Dismissed on Technicality: U.S. District Court has dismissed a lawsuit challenging an Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department policy that requires an owner to be fingerprinted and fill out a form in order to retrieve a confiscated firearm. Grady Scott, who filed the suit in November 2008, had his .38-caliber handgun and an SKS assault rifle seized during a search of his home by police. His attorney has said officers used a warrant that listed the wrong address, but city attorneys dispute it was a mistaken search. When Scott asked for his guns back, he refused to comply with IMPD's requirement that he be fingerprinted. The dismissal of his lawsuit Monday resulted from an appeals court ruling in another case and a clerical error by Scott's attorney, Paul Ogden. "The court will not rewrite the complaint merely because Plaintiff mistakenly inserted the wrong constitutional provision," Judge Larry J. McKinney wrote in his order…

"AWB" Bill Readied in Washington: In response to recent shooting deaths, three state lawmakers say they want to ban the sale of military-style semi-automatic weapons in Washington. The lawmakers intend to propose the ban in the state legislative session that begins next month. The legislation, called the Aaron Sullivan Public Safety and Police Protection Bill, would prohibit the sale of such weapons to private citizens and require current owners to pass background checks. It is named for Aaron Sullivan, 18, who was fatally shot last July in Seattle's Leschi neighborhood, allegedly with an assault-style weapon. Supporters say they also are motivated by the Oct. 31 slaying of Seattle Police Officer Timothy Brenton and the wounding of his partner. Police believe a .223-caliber semi-automatic rifle was used then. The bill is backed by Seattle's police department, spokeswoman Renee Witt said. Also pushing it is Washington Ceasefire, a nonprofit that seeks to reduce gun violence. The group plans a news conference today to announce the proposal… The ban would cover semiautomatics designed for military use that are capable of rapid-fire and can hold more than 10 rounds. Semiautomatics designed for sporting or hunting purposes wouldn't be banned… (With the arguable exception of the M14 Rifle, which generally had a block screwed onto it's selector switch, preventing full-auto operation, the last general-issue semiautomatic rifle in US military service was the WWII-era M1, also used in the Korean police action and for a few years beyond that.)

Gun Buybacks Questioned: …It's the county's Gun Amnesty Buyback Program, held in high crime areas such as East Orange, Newark and Irvington. No such programs are being held in Verona or Cedar Grove, presumably because the crime rate is lower here and residents obtain their firearms the legal way, with permits. The programs are typically held in churches or other safe havens. County officials will be on hand to issue cash to residents who hand over their illegal guns. Such programs have gained enormous popularity over the years across the country. In some cities thousands of guns make their way off the streets within a day or two. A good way to fight crime, one would think. But are we sending the wrong message to criminals who want to earn a fast buck with the sale of illegal firearms? …One must ask, are we – as law-abiding citizens who obtain our weaponry through legal means – at risk of having our homes, offices and businesses burglarized by criminals who intend to make a couple of hundred dollars at a gun buyback program? We'd like to know if there is data showing a rise in gun thefts that correlates to buyback programs, and whether the guns purchased at buyback programs have been stolen from homes and businesses…

Kohl's Denies Participation in Gun Buyback: Sunday before last, we discussed the ridiculous and dangerous turn-in-your-guns-for-gift-cards program conducted in Hartford, CT on Dec. 5. Per it's editorial champion, physician David S. Shapiro: "On Saturday, Connecticut Children's Medical Center, Hartford Hospital and Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center are joining with the city of Hartford, the Hartford Police Department, Kohl's Department Stores and the Hartford state's attorney's office to hold a gun buyback event..." …"Thank you for taking the time to contact us about the "gun buy-back" in Hartford, Connecticut. Upon receipt of your e-mail, I followed up with our Community Relations Department and confirmed the following:
1) The hospital did not have permission to use our name in their promotion.
2) The hospital bought Kohl's gift cards on their own.
3) This is not a Kohl's program or sponsorship.
We are addressing your concerns with the appropriate executives and following up appropriately."

Another Pennsylvania City Contemplates Illegal Ordinance: Next year Hatboro may join the 21 Pennsylvania municipalities targeting illegal guns. In both its December meetings, Hatboro council publicly debated the potential adoption of an ordinance that would require residents to report their lost or stolen handguns within a determined amount of time. Still in its discussion stages, adopting any legislation depends on whether Hatboro can do so lawfully and if it gets council's support. Hatboro Mayor Norm Hawkes is a member of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a national coalition working to keep firearms away from criminals by regulating illegal handguns… The Pennsylvania General Assembly held a vote almost two years ago and was approximately 25 proponents shy of passing a statewide lost or stolen gun law, Joe Grace, executive director of advocacy organization CeaseFire PA, said in an interview Tuesday… (This is the California strategy – passing local ordinances that violate state preemption, in order to put pressure on the sate legislature.)

Michigan to Consider Campus Carry: …HB 5474 would bring our institutions of higher education into line with the rest of our state by requiring them to follow Michigan law regarding firearms and not allow them to continue to make up their own arbitrary, and dangerous regulations. SB 747 would remove college dorms and classrooms from the Mass Murderer Empowerment Zones list. Both should be seen as common-sense fixes that simply extend the proven and successful public policy that governs the rest of Michigan with regard to gun laws. Michigan concealed pistol law currently includes a list of places that is often referred to as the "Pistol Free Zones." Regular readers of this column may recall that I tend to refer to them as the "Mass Murderer Empowerment Zones." This is because of a clear logical fallacy inherent in the law: the idea that individuals bent on committing violent crimes are in any way deterred by the idea that there may be some regulation or law that also prohibits possession of a gun in the place where they intend to do harm…

Gun Possession – Major Crime?: …What was going on, it turned out, was the response by the New Jersey State Police to a 911 phone call claiming the presence of a weapon when the students stopped for lunch on their way home Nov. 21 at the rest stop near Exit 7A of the New Jersey Turnpike near Trenton. Students and their three supervisors say troopers cited a report of a black male in a gray sweatshirt carrying a gun. But Capt. Gerald Lewis of the State Police said that the caller warned that three youths were brandishing guns at the minimart at the rest stop. But while the precise story line is not clear, the outlines are uncomfortably familiar. It was only a few months ago that a judge ended federal monitoring of the State Police, a situation that was sparked by the 1998 shooting of three minority men after a traffic stop… Finally, no gun found, northbound traffic shut down for an hour, the youths were set free, with no apology or attempt to defuse the tension and hurt other than brusque explanations that the officers were just following protocol….(I share this because the rabidly anti-RKBA attitudes of police in New Jersey and New York City seem to engender unnecessarily high-risk confrontations.)

Oops, Wrong House, Kentucky Version: Police believe a Louisville homeowner shot a robber Wednesday afternoon in the Shawnee neighborhood. Police say the man who was shot has died.  It all happened just after 3:00 p.m. at a home in the 3800 block of Vermont Avenue. Police believe the man was trying to illegally enter the home when he was shot by the homeowner. He later died at the hospital. The homeowner was treated for minor injuries on his hand. No charges have been filed but police are sending the case to prosecutors for review.

Oops, Wrong House, Louisiana Version: St. Charles Parish Sheriff Greg Champagne says a homeowner shot and killed a burglar in St. Rose. 21-year-old Michael Cockerham died on the scene. "Cockerham allegedly kicked down victim's rear door to his residence while armed with a semiauto hand gun. Victim observed a laser light from what he believed to be a weapon shine through the opening of the damaged doorway at which time the homeowner fired a single shot from his weapon at the intruder," Captain Pat Yoes said in a news release. He says they have not filed any charges against the homeowner. "Cockerham was located in the yard of a neighbor with a single gunshot wound to his abdomen. He was pronounced deceased at the scene by the St. Charles Cornor's Office," Yoes stated. "The matter is under investigation." (Note the role of the laser sight in disclosing that the intruder was armed and confirming his location.)

…Police say that a pair of burglars, who were armed with a pistol, kicked down the down the back door to a St. Rose home.  Upon entering the house, one of the robbers then reportedly shined his pistol's laser sight on the homeowner.  Fearing for his life, the homeowner is said to have fired one shot from his shotgun, which caused both intruders to flee, according to police.  One suspected burglar, 21 year old Michael Cockerham, was found dead from shotgun wounds in a nearby yard, police say.  Another suspect, 20 year old Aaron J. Vinnett, was found with non-life-threatening shotgun wounds, and has been charged with attempted aggravated burglary and 2nd degree murder (for the death of his alleged accomplice, under the Felony Murder Rule) according to police.  The homeowner was unharmed…

Oops, Wrong House, Maryland Version: A Pikesville man shot two men who were apparently trying to rob his house Tuesday night, according to Baltimore County police. Both were expected to survive. One man was taken from the house to an area hospital for treatment, and police said they later found the other at a hospital after he fled the shooting scene in the 9000 block of Saracen Drive. The resident told police that he and another man were entering the house about 10:20 p.m. when they were attacked. The suspects and the resident knew each other, according to police, but the extent of their relationship was unknown. "It appeared the suspects were waiting for them and forced their way in behind them," police spokesman Lt. Robert McCullough said. No one had been arrested in the case, he said.,0,2750510.story

When Connections Outweigh the Law: …What Westberry didn't know at that early-morning hour of Palm Sunday, April 5, was that Cujdik's father, Louis, is a retired police veteran and that his two brothers, Jeffrey and Richard, are narcotics officers. Before Westberry could finish dialing 9-1-1 on his cell phone, Cujdik stepped through the doorway and punched him in the throat, Westberry said. That's when Westberry pulled out his gun and Cujdik fled, Westberry told the Daily News. Westberry never fired the gun. In fact, Westberry suffered the only injury when Cujdik staggered him with a punch. But rather than arrest Cujdik, a convicted drug dealer, authorities slapped Westberry with a slew of criminal charges, including felony aggravated assault, possession of an instrument of crime, terroristic threats, simple assault and recklessly endangering another person… (Again, why open the door? Had Cudjik chosen to break it down, there would have been substantial physical evidence in Westberry's favor.)

Shootout Video: This clip contains some interesting footage. Notice that the suspect fires one-handed while the "second officer," racing to save his fellow officer, in a proactive or aggressive mode, not only fires two handed, he appears to fire from an asymmetrical Weaver position. I'm not convinced that the "first officer" may not have been struck on his ballistic vest from the way he goes down; that may or may not explain why he does not appear to get a second hand on the gun. He may have gone down because he thought he had been hit, a phenomenon that has been reported previously, and he may have stayed with a one-handed grip of the gun because he was still in a defensive mode. Wheels generally provide better cover than body panels but it would appear that the "second officer" used a "wall of lead" for cover.

Check Your Ammo!: During range training, one of our tactical officers had a malfunction that he couldn't clear quickly. He did the standard tap, rack. Still, the shell wouldn't extract from the chamber after it had been fired. It was not a bad extractor, but the round had been manufactured without a rim. When checking through the boxes of ammo used, we found five or six other cases that had no rim, there was nothing for the extractor to grab hold of and therefore couldn't extract the spent case causing a malfunction. I showed the officer that you can quickly pop the case out of the weapon with a pen or pencil, but it would be better to check the base of your rounds before loading up to avoid what could have been a tragedy on the street or in a tactical situation. When looking at the rounds in the plastic container, it is easy to see the missing rim. (One list member weighs each round on a digital powder scale before loading it into gun or magazine. He does this to check for missing powder charges. He may need to correct me on this but I believe his standard is no more than four-tenths of a grain variation between rounds. Rather than making it a point to carry a pen or pencil
thin enough to slip insde a barrel, I routinely carry a Dejammer [] on one of my key rings. Made of aluminum alloy, it will not only remove an unextracted case, it can also be used to drive out squib bullets and aid in clearing numerous other malfunctions.)

Monday, December 14, 2009


by permission from: Stephen P. Wenger
comments in () by the same

2009, Year of the Gun?: According to some posters, pollsters, politicos and pundits, 2009 is shaping up to be the Year of the Gun. That's because of the challenge to laws, the level of gun violence and the fueling of suspicion and distrust of government worldwide. America has challenges through the several states and is often considered to be the hotbed of controversy on the subject of guns. It isn't alone, of course, but perhaps discussion should start with a narration of its 2009 gun events… Even as the United States sorts out its regulations across the country regarding guns, other countries also have issues with guns. The Star Online reports In Kuala Lumpur a man is said to be facing death for killing a woman on his birthday and has two other charges related to possessing firearms illegally. The Times of India reports gun deaths increasing from "trigger happy" New Delhi and has an entire website devoted to news about guns. Gun trafficking and deaths is more, therefore, than just a U.S. problem…

The Beat Goes On: The continued high-volume sale of guns and ammunition nationwide in the last year will lead to a big increase in funds for wildlife habitat and management across the country, including Michigan. A federal tax collected on firearms and ammunition sales is redistributed to wildlife and hunting programs in each state, and only three - Alaska, Texas and Pennsylvania - get more money than the $17 million Michigan is expecting this year: $6 million more than last year's record. With budget cuts and the coming merger of the state's departments of natural resources and environmental quality, the extra bucks will come in handy. Besides funding hunter education and wildlife management, the tax is used to lease land from farmers to give hunters access and to operate the state's 128 game and wildlife areas. The amount each state gets is based on its number of hunting licenses and land. Michigan has hordes of hunters and the most state-owned land east of the Mississippi… Across the country, gun shops have had a busy year… Guns are no longer taboo. Single moms, college students and even older women are buying them and learning how to use them, McMahon said… There have been previous bursts of gun and ammo sales, such as around 1994, when a 10-year federal ban on semiautomatic weapons went into effect. But last year's sales tax collections more than doubled those figures…

Bloomberg, Times Square and Virginia Tech: … Ironically, in making his point against gun violence, the mayor brought up the tragedy that occurred at Virginia Tech: "If you think about all the publicity about the terrible tragedy of Virginia Tech, we have a Virginia Tech in this country every day. It's just spread across 50 states." Doesn't the mayor know that instead of "too many guns," there was a dearth of guns on the college campus and the victims who were killed by the lone gunman were defenseless? Not surprisingly, the AP story reporting the mayor's remarks failed to point out this obvious contradiction in the mayor's "logic," reflecting the anti-gun bias of the reporters who wrote the story. So what happened in the Times Square shootout? … But regardless of the particulars of the case, how does this shootout justify Mayor Bloomberg's anti-gun position? Do laws disarming private citizens make the streets safer for the law-abiding ... or for thugs?

NRA Challenges Bloomberg Poll: Last week, anti-gun New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, released the findings of a poll conducted by a political consulting firm called "The Word Doctors," whose slogan is "It's not what you say, it's what people hear." Word Doctors' president is a pollster who has been reprimanded by the American Association for Public Opinion Research and censured by the National Council on Public Polls, and who says that the key to polling is "to ask a question in the way that you get the right answer." At some other time in our nation's history, an organization like this would not have been commissioned to conduct a poll, and perhaps it would not even have existed. At a minimum, its poll would have been considered biased and rejected by every newspaper in the country… But did the poll really show such strong support? Certainly the participants didn't have much information to go on. The poll didn't explain that the watchlist has been under fire by the Department of Justice's Inspector General's office and the ACLU for improperly including the names of innocent people, and that many innocent people have been mistaken for those who are on the watchlist. It didn't explain that Lautenberg's gun show bill would do much more than require NICS checks on private gun sales at gun shows…

NRA versus Local Activists in Iowa: …Last year two state organizations, Iowa Carry and Iowa Gun Owners, banged heads with competing legislation and competing strategies. Iowa Carry was backing a "shall issue" bill which included mandatory training requirements and several other concessions. Iowa Gun Owners was pushing an Alaska-style bill which removed restrictions on concealed carry and offered an optional permit system for the sake of reciprocity. The Alaska bill had 25 cosponsors among the 100 members of the Iowa House and failed to pass by just one vote ending in a 49 – 49 tie in the final minutes of the legislative session. After such an impressive showing, one would expect advocates to unite around the Alaska-style bill for this legislative session with an eye towards either passing a very good bill, or forcing a clear record vote on such a bill and using that vote against opponents in the next General Election. Instead, after ignoring the state for decades, NRA has decided to ride their white horse into Iowa to save the day by amending the already weak Iowa Carry bill to make it not only weaker, but to actually include some provisions which are worse than existing law – snatching defeat from the jaws of victory… (It may have been one thing for NRA to have advocated a model handgun licensing law back in the 1920's and 30's, when a total handgun ban seemed to loom on the horizon, but that was then and this is now. NRA has a vested interest in training requirements and failed to support AzCDL's bill for Alaska-style permit-optional CCW in Arizona this year, costing its passage in the last-minute marathon session of the state senate.)

Oops, Wrong Apartment: Phoenix police on Saturday released a man who told them he fatally shot another man in self-defense. Officer Luis Samudio says a 24-year-old man called police at about 3:15 a.m. to report a shooting at a northwest Phoenix apartment. Arriving officers found a 27-year-old man dead of gunshot wounds in the apartment.  Samudio said the man told officers he shot the other man in self-defense. After being questioned, he was released pending further investigation. The names of the victim and the man who shot him were not released.

Oops, Wrong Driveway:
A spokesman for the Jefferson Parish [LA] Sheriff's Office says a man who attempted to rob a Marrero couple at gunpoint died after 1 of the robbery victims shot him. Col. John Fortunato says the man was reported shot in the chest around 8 p.m. Saturday. He was taken to University Hospital where he was pronounced dead shortly after arrival. Fortunato says investigators learned that the man was 1 of 3 male suspects who tried to rob the couple as they were walking from their driveway to their home. Fortunato says the male robbery victim was also armed and shot the perpetrator. The other two suspects fled on foot. The identity of the man who died was being withheld pending notification of family.

Some Thoughts on Training: … Those who own firearms and practice with them enough to be considered proficient in their use, most likely choose good weather in which to practice; light conditions are optimal and a good comfort level is maintained. Sure, you can hit that silhouette at 25 ft with both hands the majority of the time with optimal conditions with your favorite handgun. You can also hit that target at 300 yards with your battle rifle, sometimes putting all your shots in a small group when conditions are great; fine indeed if your attack occurs only during the daylight with no wind and the temperature hovering around 72. How many know how they will perform these tasks when faced with darkness, heavy wind, freezing temperatures or blowing snow? Better yet, how many know how their equipment will perform in less than ideal conditions? If you can be 100% certain you will only be faced with a life-or-death self-defense situation when conditions are ideal, stop reading now; the following will be of no interest to you…

Wooden Gun Sells for $19,120: An auction house says a wooden gun that John Dillinger's relatives believe was hand-carved and used by the one-time "Public Enemy No. 1" to escape jail has sold for $19,120 at auction. The artifact was one of 11 items put up for bid Saturday by Dillinger's younger sister, Frances Helen Dillinger, at an Arms & Militaria auction at Heritage Auctions in Dallas. Heritage arms and militaria director Dennis Lowe says the notorious Depression-era bank robber supposedly used the item to bluff his way out of a Crown Point, Ind., jail on March 3, 1934… (It's a miracle that wooden replicas were not included in the National Firearms Act of 1934, which, in its initial version, would also have treated handguns like machine guns, suppressors and short-barrel rifles and shotgun. The deletion of handguns neglected to delete the phrase "any other weapon" that followed the mention of handguns, hence the registration requirement for such things as wallet holsters that allow a pistol to be fired while it is still concealed in the holster.)

Tangentially Related: Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-Mich.), ranking member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, says the Obama administration is stalling in providing information to the leaders of the House and Senate and the congressional intelligence committees on the multiple murders allegedly committed by a radical Muslim Army officer at Fort Hood more than a month ago. So far, the committee chairman and congressional leaders have received no detailed, substantive briefing on the event and what is known about its perpetrator… "It's now three and a half, four weeks later," said Hoekstra. "I would assume that in the last four weeks we've gathered lots of info that should be shared with the intelligence committees. There is a "lack of transparency here," Hoekstra said, and "it is unbelievable the material and the information that they're withholding from us, from the American people." Hoekstra said that a report on the Fort Hood incident had been delivered to President Obama two weeks ago…


By permission from: Stephen P. Wenger
comments in () by the same


Response to McDonald Commentary: In today's Washington Times, Ken Klukowski and Ken Blackwell co-authored an op-ed about McDonald v. Chicago and the Privileges or Immunities Clause titled, "A gun case or Pandora's box?"… Going beyond the title, there are several errors in the piece,  which I will briefly recap… Next, the Kens describe the Privileges or Immunities Clause as a general license for courts to strike down any law they do not like. This is not accurate. Neither the Privileges or Immunities Clause nor any other part of the Fourteenth Amendment empowers judges to impose their policy views. Instead, "privileges or immunities" was a term of art in 1868 (the year the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified) referring to a specific set of common law, pre-existing rights, including the right to keep and bear arms. The Privileges or Immunities Clause is thus no more a blank check for judges to impose their will than the Due Process Clause - the exact vehicle the Kens would use to "incorporate" the Second Amendment…

McDonald Decision May Help Illinois CCW Effort: State Sen. Dale Risinger is waiting to see what the outcome will be on an U.S. Supreme Court ruling on the city of Chicago's handgun ban before proposing a concealed-carry measure for the city of Peoria. Risinger, R-Peoria, said Monday he would sponsor legislation in the Illinois Senate to have Peoria serve as a pilot city for a statewide concealed-carry law. The concept was pushed last year by Mayor Jim Ardis and is included as one of the city's legislative initiatives going into the General Assembly's spring session. A vote on the city's legislative initiative list was postponed Tuesday with council members opting to discuss the entire list a later date. Risinger said a ruling from the nation's highest court should be out in March on whether Chicago's citywide ban on guns is legal. If the court overrules Chicago's gun ban, it could lead to legal challenges for less-restrictive laws across the country that limit who can own guns…

Amendment Would Protect Ammo Supply: The National Shooting Sports Foundation has notified members that, as demand for ammunition continues to outpace supply, "it is critically important that an amendment authored by Rep. Sam Graves (R-Mo.) to a seemingly obscure hazardous material bill (HR 4016) be attached to the legislation during consideration on the House floor." The NSSF notes that the amendment being pushed by Graves will help protect the shipment of materials necessary for the manufacturing of ammunition, and warns that without the Graves Amendment, the rate of production will slip, perhaps precipitously. In turn, decreased production of ammunition will lead to decreased availability. This will lead to an increase in ammunition prices directly affecting consumers. Floor action on the bill is anticipated within the next three weeks. Rep. James Oberstar (D-Minn.), chairman of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, intends to bring HR 4016 to the floor prior to the end of the session. NSSF is encouraging all hunters and sportsmen to contact Rep. Oberstar and urge him to support the Graves Amendment. He can be reached at 202-225-6211.

RKBA Has Expanded in Most States: … The AP compiled the data on new laws from groups ranging from the Legal Community Against Violence, which advocates gun control, to the NRA. Public attitudes toward gun control have shifted strongly over the past 50 years, according to Gallup polling. In 1959, 60 percent of respondents said they favored a ban on handguns except for "police and other authorized persons." Gallup's most recent annual crime survey in October found 71 percent opposed such a ban. The NRA boasts that almost all states grant handgun permits to people with clean criminal and psychological records. In 1987, only 10 states did. Only Wisconsin, Illinois and the District of Columbia now prohibit the practice entirely… While some states have tightened gun laws during the same period, the list of new restrictive laws is much shorter. In 2009 alone, more than three times as many laws were passed to make it easier on gun owners…

New Jersey May Clean Up One-Gun-a-Month Law: …Since the introduction of "one-gun-a-month" legislation, we have argued that the bill was poorly drafted, ill conceived and relied upon the false premise that law-abiding New Jersey gun owners are the cause of crime. The truth of the matter is that New Jersey residents are already some of the most heavily regulated in the nation and New Jersey's "one-gun-a-month" law simply heaps additional complications on an already overly burdensome process. Prospective gun owners in New Jersey already have to apply for a Firearms ID card, which includes a background check, fingerprints, photographs and references. In addition to possessing a Firearms ID Card, those wishing to purchase a handgun must obtain a Permit to Purchase from local police for each handgun purchase, which may take as long as 12 to 14 weeks…

Prohibitionists Play on Fear: I won't say that in gun rights, the only thing to fear is fear itself, but fear is among the most effective weapons in the forcible citizen disarmament advocates' arsenal.  Those who support more and more oppressive regulation of guns always couch their message as an appeal for urgent action that must be taken quickly, in order to prevent an armageddon of "gun violence." …The latest "emergency" is the fanciful "terror gap" - a concept that calls for a dramatic expansion of the "prohibited purchaser" list, allowing the Attorney General to block any gun sale on a whim, simply by designating the prospective purchaser a "suspected terrorist." In an attempt to show broad-based support for their "common sense gun laws," Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns conducted a survey, which supposedly shows that NRA members are actually quite on board with the forcible citizen disarmament agenda, and NRA leadership is betraying members by being so intransigent…

Our Side's Poll:

Other than That, the Report Was Accurate: Some facts about the gun used in Thursday's Times Square shooting:
  • The MAC-10 is a handheld submachine gun that weighs about 6 pounds, can hold 30 bullets in its magazine and fire more than 1,000 rounds a minute.
  • It was developed by Gordon Ingram in 1964 and was used by Special Forces in Vietnam.
  • It's a favorite of street gangs and movie stars. John Wayne carried one in "McQ," and so did Bruce Willis in "Pulp Fiction."
  • The model Raymond Martinez was carrying Thursday was a semi-automatic variation called the Masterpiece Arms 9-mm. MAC-10, which had a closed bolt that improves accuracy.
  • It was reported stolen on Oct. 28 from a car in Richmond, Va.
(For starters, having the extremely high cyclic rate of at least 1,000 rounds per minute, which actually makes the MAC submachine guns extremely difficult to handle, does not equate to firing 1,000 rounds per minute because the gun uses 30-round magazines, which get depleted rather quickly at that rate. More importantly, the cyclic rate of the original full-auto version has no bearing whatever on its semi-automatic clones. In point of fact, the model in question fired two rounds, then jammed []. Other than that… typical yellow journalism from the Daily News.)

The "Virginia Connection" Gets Publicized:,2933,580095,00.html?test=latestnews

Related Commentary:

Officer Fired One-Handed: …On Thursday, the city marveled at the instinctive response of another officer, Sgt. Christopher Newsom, who shot and killed a man who faced him with a gun in Times Square. Sergeant Newsom, a 17-year veteran of the Police Department, fired with his gun in his right hand, while at the same time, in a move that surprised some law enforcement experts, he draped his left hand across his chest, apparently to protect his heart. It is called "one-hand unsupported," and it is something of a throwback. The stance, immortalized by the cartoon thug in the paper target that police officers shoot at, was more popular in the days before police officers routinely wore bullet-resistant vests, several former trainers said. "It's a stance cops used to take at the range," said Philip J. Messina, a former police trainer. "The logic was, by holding your arm over your chest, the bullet would have less of a chance of penetrating." He added, "There are still old-timers who go into that stance." … (I repeatedly point out that when people react to unexpected threats, particularly at close range, they are likely to shoot one-handed, regardless of how they have been trained. Training only in two-handed shooting may improve "qualification" scores but is not meeting the demands of the street. While covering the heart with the hand is likely to provide much protection, tensing that hand, whether straight or in a fist, is likely to enhance the grip on the gun. Such tension will generally get the non-gun hand somewhere in front to the chest.)

A Look at the Cerberus Freedom Group: … Here are some nuggets about Freedom Group:
Largest unit: Remington Arms Company. In April 2007, Cerberus bought the nearly 200 year-old rifle manufacturer for $118 million and assumed $252 million in debt. Remington sells guns and ammo for hunters, police and the military, including classic shotguns and state-of-the art sniper weapon systems. Remington was bought by the Dupont Corp. during the Great Depression and later by Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, a private equity firm, which sold the company to Cerberus.

Cerberus Fan: "One positive aspect to Cerberus' involvement in the gun industry is that the huge political clout Cerberus commands as the "rescuer" of Chrysler Corp. (which Cerberus also acquired) should undermine efforts to ban AR-platform rifles,'' wrote the Accurate in December 2007. "Cerberus is big enough to make waves in Washington. Money talks in politics and Cerberus has lots of it." …

Kimber Seeks Funds for Plant Expansion: A state agency proposes giving a $700,000 economic development grant to a weapons manufacturer that recently expanded in Yonkers and Greenburgh. Kimber Manufacturing wants the grant to pay for a portion of its acquisition, renovation and equipment costs related to a $10.8 million expansion completed in September. The company accepted a grant offer from the Empire State Development Corp. in 2007 on the premise that it would expand its operations in New York and create or preserve jobs. Kimber makes more than 100 types of pistols and rifles for the consumer market, law enforcement and the Marines Corps, among other clients. The state agency offered the grant to Kimber because manufacturing is the most wealth-creating sector of the state economy outside of New York City, according to the agency's project plan…

Georgia to Weigh Campus Carry: …Monday, UGA Police Chief Jimmy Williamson was asked his opinion of HB 615, which would permit licensed Georgians to carry on campus.  His comments were published in an article in the Red and Black by Jacob Demmitt.  As an initial matter, Chief Williamson recognized that the criminals are carrying in the school zone "no matter what."   This leaves us with the question of who obeys the law, and the answer is - college students and employees who are the criminals' victims. Chief Williamson did take the refreshing view that his job is to enforce the law, not make it.  "As police chief, I don't take a position on what the law should be." Somebody needs to pass that advice on to the rabidly anti-gun organization, Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police, which lobbies against every piece of legislation that would attempt to enforce the right to bear arms for law abiding Georgians, including opposing last session's HB 89…

Restaurant-Carry Hearing Delayed in Ohio: The December 15 hearing has been canceled. We will provide updates when another hearing is scheduled… HB203 would allow persons with a concealed handgun license to carry their firearms into any restaurant providing they are not, and do not become intoxicated. The bill is sponsored by Representatives Danny Bubp (R-88) and Jarrod Martin (R-70). Ohio license holders have proven themselves to be responsible in the five plus years of concealed carry in Ohio, and decades more beyond our borders. There is no compelling reason to deny someone the right to carry a firearm based on what the person at the next table might be drinking. Ohio's restriction on carrying in restaurants is more strict than any of our surrounding states and most of the country. Our laws need to be amended. Currently it is a felony for license holders to carry a firearms into a restaurant if it has a license to sell alcohol for consumption on the premises, even if the license holder never drinks. That makes about as much sense as prohibiting persons from carrying car keys into the restaurant because the guy at the next table is having a beer with his burger…

Armed Teacher Saves Life: Criminal justice instructor Michael Minto was leaving the Kaplan Career Institute in Swatara Township [PA] on Monday night when he spotted a man being stabbed, police said. Minto pulled his gun and ordered the attacker to drop his knife, police said. The attacker fled, and authorities said Minto's actions likely saved the life of Dillon Mitchell, 30, of Harrisburg.   If Minto had not intervened, "We might be talking about someone who died," said Deputy Swatara Township Police Chief Jason D. Umberger. "There are not many citizens out there that would have the courage to take that action." …Umberger said Mitchell left the 5650 Derry St. school around 10:30 p.m. with Ayanna Carter, who is Forde's wife. Forde approached them and an argument started, leading to the stabbing, Umberger said… (The article offers too few details about the relationship between Mitchell and Carter but if it was more than a casual friendship, there is a lesson to be learned about fooling around with married women.)

Oops, Wrong Tire Shop: A would-be robber is shot to death by a tire store owner in north Houston, and officers are searching for three suspects who got away. The shooting took place after 8 p.m. Wednesday at the 11100 block of Bauman Road. Police say four men tried to stage a robbery at the El Mante Tire Shop at the 11000 block of Bauman Road at approximately 8:30 p.m. Wednesday. The store owner, who has a license to carry a concealed handgun, drew his weapon and started shooting. One robbery suspect died in the shop, but three others escaped in a black Mercury Mountaineer with chrome rims. They were also able to steal some property, but police would not say what was stolen…

Oops. Wrong Jewelry Store: A Nassau County [NY] jewelry store owner was shot in the torso as he faced three would-be robbers and, amazingly, was able to detain one suspect until police arrived. At 7:11 p.m., three suspects - a woman and two men - attempted to rob Papandrew Jewelers, located at 11 Sunrise Highway at Franklin Avenue in Valley Stream. One man, Edward Hamilton, 24, of Brooklyn, produced a handgun and the store owner retrieved his own gun from behind a display case, according to police. The two exchanged gunfire when Hamilton jumped over the display case. The store owner sustained a gunshot in the torso. Hamilton and Gloria Cortes, 20, of Brooklyn, who was posing as a customer, fled the store. The injured store owner was remarkably able to roll onto the third robber - Bryan Kenner, 28, of South Ozone Park, and hold him until police arrived at the scene… (I have to wonder if the jeweler might have been able to get off the first shot if he had been wearing the gun on his person. This assumes that he had a handgun, which requires a specific permit in New York, and not a long gun.),0,5656109.story

O Canada: Jeremy Bell bought a Lego replica of a semi-automatic pistol and assembled it, yesterday, in the back office of teehan+lax, a downtown user-experience design firm, where he's a partner. An hour later, he was up against the stairwell wall, being frisked by police on suspicion of weapons possession. Admittedly, the gun, purchased from BrickGun, an online retailer that specializes in Lego replicas of firearms, looked pretty realistic. Bell thinks someone living in one of the apartments with windows facing teehan+lax's building, at 460 Richmond Street West, might have called in the tip after seeing him wave around the suspicious chunk of plastic from a distance. "I understand why," he said. "It looks legit. You see a guy in an office with the door closed, putting something together, it looks like a gun. I get it." Constable Tony Vella of the Toronto Police Service later confirmed to CTV that this was precisely the case. "We have to take all the gun calls seriously because we don't know what we're getting involved in," he told them…

Video Worth Watching: Posted under the title "Why Switzerland Has the Lowest Crime Rate in the World," this video actually speaks more powerfully to the larger political reason for an armed citizenry. I have no idea who told the opening narrator that the SIG 550 assault rifle (yes, it's a true assault rifle, in the military definition) is "designed to destroy anything within its 400 meter trajectory." That's a pretty tall order for a bullet from a 5.56x45mm (.223) cartridge.

NRA-ILA Alerts: List members are encouraged to check the alerts for the week, posted on the NRA-ILA website.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


by permission from: Stephen P. Wenger
comments in () by the same

Illinois Gubernatorial Candidates: The Associated Press recently asked candidates for Illinois governor questions about gun-control legislation. Here are highlights of their answers:
QUESTION: "Would you sign or veto legislation banning the sale and possession of semiautomatic assault-style weapons in Illinois?" …

QUESTION: "Would you sign or veto legislation allowing concealed-carry for handguns?" …

A New Breed of Criminal: Violent gangs are popping up in the last place you would ever expect: Upper-middle-class Valley neighborhoods. The parents are doctors and lawyers. Some live in gated communities but police say these educated, privileged high school and college students are just as willing as your average street thug to steal, cheat and even kill. Twenty-two suspected gang members have been arrested so far and investigators say more arrests are coming. They range in age from 19 to 24 years old. Investigators say they committed crimes in all corners of the Valley and those crimes were becoming increasingly violent. Investigators say their crimes started by organizing so-called party crew events and selling booze to 14 to 20-year-olds. Roger Vanderpool, a Department of Public Safety director, says, "It's not a safe environment. Bad things happen there." A group of Valley law enforcement agencies spent the last year investigating the suspected gang members. They are all young men along with one young woman… (This is a phenomenon I first saw two decades ago, with Vietnamese and Chinese youth in California. I credit, in part, the entertainment industry for glorifying the "gangsta" scene.)

Oops, Wrong House: Police are investigating a possible home invasion in the 2100 block of east 35th on Spokane's south hill. Police say they received a call from a homeowner around 7 p.m. Friday.  He told police someone tried to break into his house and he shot at them. The homeowner, 85-year-old Andy Anderson, said he had just gone to bed when he heard someone enter his home through a side door.  Mr. Anderson said the suspect then went to his home office and began rummaging around.  At that point Mr. Anderson grabbed his handgun and confronted the suspect in the hallway.  Mr. Anderson said he came face to face with the suspect and shouted at him, "Who are You?" when the suspect did not respond Mr. Anderson said he fired at him twice and the suspect fled through the front door…

Staying Vigilant without Being Paranoid: …Being aware of your surroundings is a necessary survival skill but it's not an "on-off" switch - in the best cases this is almost always a gradation, a continuum. You can learn to control your attention, to make it flexible, effective, and responsive to the moment-to-moment needs of your patrol situation. That way, you don't have to maintain white-knuckled concentration to keep safe. Instead, your well-trained attention control system will act like a mental firewall, automatically scanning the environment so that it will be hard to catch you off guard. Here's how it works…

Defending a Self-Defense Case: …Many assumptions about trial tactics are inverted in a self-defense case. If the defendant presents some evidence on each of the elements of self-defense, then he or she is entitled to a jury instruction on the issue, which places the burden of proof squarely on the prosecutor to disprove self-defense beyond a reasonable doubt. If the prosecution fails to disprove self-defense, the client is acquitted. In practice, however, the defense attorney has a great deal of work to do in order to convince the jurors that the client's conduct fell within the common law of self-defense or within applicable state statutes. This article is a starting point for attorneys representing clients in a self-defense case. It is focused on the common law of self-defense, using Massachusetts as its primary example, but the general principles are applicable in any state. It also introduces attorneys to some of the research regarding use of force conducted by police and self-defense instructors…

"Did you really think we want those laws to be observed?" said Dr. Ferris. "We want them broken...There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted - and you create a nation of law breakers - and then you cash in on guilt..."

- Ayn Rand (1905-1982), spoken by Dr. Floyd Ferris in Atlas Shrugged, 1957)


Thursday, December 3, 2009


by permission from
Stephen P. Wenger
comments in () by the same

From GOA: …As the Senate begins debate on socialized health care this
week, the White House is pulling out all the stops to get it passed,
including an attack on Gun Owners of America and the Second Amendment.
Please contact your Senators and warn them that a vote in favor of
socialized health care will be considered a vote against the Second
Amendment.  [A pre-written letter is provided below.] Last week, as
Americans were getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving, Obama's spin
doctors were still in full combat mode, taking shots at Gun Owners of
America. On the official White House blog, deputy communications
director Dan Pfeiffer denied that the health care bill would affect
gun owners. After all, he writes, "there is no mention [of]
'gun-related health data' or anything like it anywhere in either the
Senate or the House bills." Well, unlike so many in Congress, GOA
attorneys have actually read the bills, something they have been doing
since before Mr. Pfeiffer was born. So, how would ObamaCare attack gun
rights? … (The link will generate your choice of a letter or an e-mail
to your senators.)

McDonald, Slaughterhouse and the Fourteenth Amendment: …The 14th
Amendment was passed in the historical context of Reconstruction, when
many southern governments were violating the rights of newly freed
blacks. As many of the briefs in McDonald detail quite convincingly,
one of the rights that was almost universally understood to fall under
14th Amendment protection (or to use the lingo, one of the rights
meant to be "incorporated" on the states via the 14th) was the Second
Amendment right to keep and bear arms… Since, as Gura wrote in the
brief, "In 1868, the 'privileges' and 'immunities' of American
citizenship were popularly understood to include a broad array of
pre-existent natural rights believed secured by all free governments,
as well as the personal rights memorialized in the Bill of Rights,"
some right-leaning legal scholars and organizations that want to
vindicate the Second Amendment are afraid of a Court emboldened via
the Privileges or Immunities Clause to do some serious thinking - and
acting - on the basis of such a "broad array of pre-existent natural
rights." …If McDonald is won without the death of Slaughterhouse, it
will still be a cheering victory for a core constitutional right. But
if Gura wins the way he wants to win, he will have succeeded in
creating a constitutional revolution of sorts, one with both promise
and peril for keeping government power within prescribed limits…

Lautenberg Continues Battle against the RKBA: Yesterday, United States
Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) announced the introduction of (cue
cheesy acronym) the "PROTECT Act." "PROTECT" stands for "Preserving
Records of Terrorist & Criminal Transactions."  Sen. Frank R.
Lautenberg (D-NJ) today introduced the PROTECT Act, legislation to
preserve records of gun sales for longer periods of time to aid law
enforcement officials in preventing gun crimes and terrorist acts.
Under current law, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) must
destroy these records in most cases within 24 hours of allowing a gun
sale to proceed." Interesting, isn't it, that Lautenberg's own press
release describes the proposed legislation's purpose as being "to
preserve records of gun sales for longer periods of time . . . "--but
the title of the bill refers only to "terrorist and criminal
transactions"?  That's pretty clear testimony to what Sen. Lautenberg
thinks of gun buyers.  Granted, "PROGS (Preserving Records of Gun
Sales)" isn't nearly as catchy an acronym, but that's probably not a
criterion to which much importance should be attached…

Cop-Killer Had Stolen Handgun: Maurice Clemmons, the man authorities
are convinced fatally shot four Lakewood, WA police officers Sunday
morning in a coffee shop in the Parkland area south of Tacoma,
evidently left two handguns at the scene of the crime, one of them (as
predicted here yesterday) checked out to have been stolen in Seattle…
The fact that a stolen handgun was left at the scene came as no
surprise to gun rights advocates who have long known that people like
Maurice Clemmons do not buy guns at retail gun stores, or even at gun
shows, despite what gun prohibitionists repeatedly assert. (The Los
Angeles Times published a particularly offensive editorial about this
case, blaming firearms instead of the felon who pulled the trigger.)
…Court papers say Officer Tina Griswold was also shot in the head, as
was Sgt. Mark Renninger, while Officer Ronnie Owens was shot in the
neck. The fact that all four were wearing soft body armor has no
bearing, contrary to what the Los Angeles Times intimated in its
editorial, as it is clear the shots were intentionally and carefully
delivered at almost point blank range. Only Richards had a chance to
react. As my colleague, John Longenecker notes here, the L.A. Times is
clearly exploiting the Parkland outrage to push its anti-gun agenda…

Related Commentary:

When Britain Welcomed American Guns: Many of us involved in gun rights
advocacy have seen the poster accompanying this column. It was the
terrifying dawn of World War II, and the British, fearing German
invasion, were ill-prepared to defend their nation… We learn about the
American Committee for Defense of British Homes, and some of the
personalities involved. And we learn how the possession of small arms
led Bert "Yank" Levy, a "specialist in guerrilla and irregular
fighting," to "express...the belief that Home Guard defense was why
'Britain can no longer successfully be invaded.'" …Sadly,
outrageously, we learn that when the danger had passed, government
trust in the people went away, and the people for the most part,
obeyed in the "cleansing of firearms." …

Colorado University Debates Campus Carry: Public-safety experts at
Colorado State University and the school president's cabinet all agree
the campus needs a concealed-weapons ban. CSU student leaders,
however, say packing heat keeps everyone safer. They may move tonight
to try to keep the university one of the few in the country where
concealed weapons are allowed. "I think really it's an issue of if
it's not broken, why fix it," said Matt Strauch, spokesman for the
Associated Students of CSU. The ASCSU student senate tonight is likely
to pass a resolution that asks CSU president Tony Frank to keep
current policy, which adheres to the state's concealed-weapons law. It
allows someone with a concealed-weapons permit to carry a handgun
almost anywhere on campus. Only in residence halls are weapons
forbidden… Currently, 23 states allow public campuses or state systems
to decide their own weapons policies, with nearly all choosing to be
"gun-free," according to the American Association of State Colleges
and Universities. CSU is one of the rare exceptions, deciding in 2003
to follow the state's concealed-weapons law. The ASCSU points out that
concealed weapons have been allowed at Blue Ridge Community College in
Virginia since 1995 and at Michigan State University since June… (Of
note, no one appears to have been able to cite any evidence of abuse
of CSU's current policy.)\

Alaska City Dumps Outdated Gun Ban: Palmer city law that blocked
people from carrying guns in city parks and other places was tossed
out last week after a local man pointed out the rule infringed on
people's Second Amendment rights… The outdated law prohibited anyone
other than a peace officer or Alaskan with a permit to carry a
concealed weapon from carrying any weapon, concealed or not, in
government office buildings, courthouses, hospitals, schools, places
where alcohol is sold or served, domestic violence or sexual assault
shelters, city parks, fair grounds and banks. State law says most of
those places are off-limits to guns anyway. The problem, Clark said,
is that Alaska law changed in 2003 to do away with the requirement for
a concealed-carry permit. If you can legally carry a weapon in Alaska,
you can also legally carry a concealed weapon. Also, Clark said, the
Palmer rule restricted carrying weapons at fair grounds, in parks and
in banks. None of those are part of the state law…

Missouri City Council Could Drop Gun Ban: If Raymore City Councilman
Jeff Cox gets his wish, he and his colleagues soon will be able to
carry a concealed weapon during meetings. "Everyone in the chamber
will be safer if this passes," Cox said Tuesday of his proposed
ordinance, which would make Raymore one of the first - if not the
first - city in the metro area to allow anyone besides police to carry
a gun into a city hall. One of Cox's colleagues, Charlene Hubach,
hopes that doesn't happen. "I wouldn't feel safer because I doubt any
of you can shoot straight," Hubach told the other council members
during a recent meeting. The proposed ordinance, which has received
preliminary approval and comes up for a final vote Dec. 14, would also
allow citizens to carry guns into city parks and other city-owned
buildings - even City Hall, except during council meetings. Cox, a
lawyer, said the changes would put Raymore in line with what Missouri
law allows by repealing ordinances set in place by Raymore and other
cities after state voters approved conceal and carry… (It sounds as
though the council members should have a field trip to a range, to
show Ms. Hubach that they can shoot straight and to introduce her to
the joys of shooting.)

Oops, Wrong Car: A 29-year-old man with a permit to carry a gun shot a
would-be carjacker in the hip in northwest Detroit on Monday night
after he tried to rob the man's girlfriend, police said this morning.
The 24-year-old suspect approached the woman at about 10:30 p.m.
outside a club at Grand River and Woodbine, according to police. When
he demanded her car and her purse, her boyfriend shot him. The
girlfriend, caught in crossfire, was shot in the back but is expected
to survive, Detroit Police spokesman John Roach said this morning. The
carjacking suspect is also expected to survive. (Details are scarce so
these comments are speculative: I know of one case in which a man lost
his wife to a robber's gunshot because the husband assumed that the
robber would turn and run when he saw that the husband was armed. The
husband was standing behind his wife and she caught the bullet
intended for him. The husband had not really been prepared to fire and
only did so after the robber fired the first and fatal shot.)

Oops, Wrong Convenience Store: A would-be armed robber apparently had
second thoughts when an employee pulled out his shotgun Monday night.
It happened at the Salem & Sons Convenience Store on Sunset Avenue in
Rocky Mount [NC] around 10:20 p.m. Police say employees were inside
cleaning up, and saw a customer at the front door. They let the man
inside, but at the same time another man came in as well and showed a
black handgun in the direction of an employee. That employee
immediately got his shotgun, racked the slide, and pointed it at the
would-be robber. The robber then turned around and slowly left the
store. Nothing was taken in the robbery attempt…

Oops, Wrong Liquor Store: The U–Save liquor store on Tulare and Maple
Avenues in Fresno [CA] was open for business the day after a store
clerk turned the table on an armed robber. Police say 29–year–old
Fernando Valencia and another man tried to rob the clerk at gunpoint
Sunday night. Valencia had a semi–automatic gun, and so did the store
clerk. "He had pointed the firearm at the business owner, at some
point in time the business owner became fearful, when he found an
opportunity to shoot the suspect, he did," said Fresno Police Chief
Jerry Dyer. Valencia died inside the store. Valencia has a criminal
history, which includes car–jacking, carrying a concealed weapon, and
stealing vehicles. The deadly confrontation was all caught on
surveillance video. The police chief says the killing looks to be an
act of self defense… And the police chief fully supports business
owners' rights to arm themselves for protection…

Rule Five Reminder: Ridley Township [PA] police are looking for a
woman in connection with a violent home invasion Monday night that
easily could have been deadly. "She knocked on my door and I opened
it. And she said she was broke down and could she use my phone."
84-year-old Donald Kaighn let the woman who claimed she had a car
breakdown into his house. Within moments she was spraying him with
lighter fluid and they were wrestling in the kitchen. The World War II
veteran went for one of the many guns he owns. She fled upstairs and
he pursued her, gun in hand. "I had one in my hand, loaded, and ready
for action. She said something like 'stop or I'll shoot.' I
immediately fired the gun." At that point, an all out running gun
battle erupted, bullets flying all over his front bedroom. Kaighn
believes she grabbed 2 guns from drawers in his room to use against
him. He's a gun collector. Eventually he went downstairs to call 911.
By the time police arrived she had vanished with his 2 handguns and
some jewelry. Fingerprinting revealed she jumped out of a 2nd floor
window rather than exchange any more gunfire with Kaighn… (Rule Five:
Maintain control of your firearm. It apparently would not have become
a gunfight if the burglar had not found the homeowner's guns in
unlocked drawers. Oh yeah, don't let people into your home to make
phone calls – offer to make the call for them.)

Suzanna Gratia-Hupp's Book Debuts: A former Texas state representative
from Lampasas and Second Amendment rights enthusiast released her book
Tuesday. Privateer Publications released Suzanna Gratia Hupp's book:
"From Luby's to the Legislature: One Woman's Fight Against Gun
Control," nationwide Tuesday. Hupp is a survivor of the Oct. 16, 1991,
Killeen Luby's massacre. She lost her parents during the act of
violence, which resulted in 21 other deaths. Hupp believes the fate of
that day could have been changed had she had her gun which she had
left in her car. Five years after the massacre, Hupp was elected to
the Texas House of Representatives and served for 12 years,
representing portions of Bell, Coryell and Lampasas counties in
District 54. "The book is autobiographical, but only as my life
relates to guns," Hupp said Monday. It follows Hupp's life through her
early childhood, a time when she was playing cowboys and Indians with
her brother and learning to shoot a BB gun. It also tells of her first
gun purchase, the Luby's massacre, her fight against stricter gun
control and her role as a state representative…

Tangentially Related: Christopher Soghoian, a graduate student at
Indiana University's School of Informatics and Computing, has made
public an audio recording of Sprint/Nextel's Electronic Surveillance
Manager describing how his company has provided GPS location data
about its wireless customers to law enforcement over 8 million times.
That's potentially millions of Sprint/Nextel customers who not only
were probably unaware that their wireless provider even had an
Electronic Surveillance Department, but who certainly did not know
that law enforcement offers could log into a special Sprint Web portal
and, without ever having to demonstrate probable cause to a judge,
gain access to geolocation logs detailing where they've been and where
they are. Through a mix of documents unearthed by Freedom of
Information Act requests and the aforementioned recording, Soghoian
describes how "the government routinely obtains customer records from
ISPs detailing the telephone numbers dialed, text messages, emails and
instant messages sent, web pages browsed, the queries submitted to
search engines, and geolocation data, detailing exactly where an
individual was located at a particular date and time." …


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